FDOT District 6 ITS Operational Support, Miami-Dade County, FL. Project Manager for a multi-year contract to provide on-site staff to support:
- TMC Operations,
- Contract Management,
- TMC Information Technology (IT) Services,
- Traffic Incident Management,
- Public Outreach,
- SunGuide Software support,
- Utility Locate Services, and
- Miscellaneous ITS/Traffic Operations services.
The project is a unique performance-based contract with penalties if specific operational performance measures are not met. These performance measures include time to post messages; event confirmation; time to dispatch Road Rangers; TMC Operator Errors; maintaining staff levels; and daily/monthly/quarterly reports on TMC Operations/IT Systems/ITS Inventory. Additional services include preparing start-up documentations and operations for 95 Express Lanes, 95 Express Incident Management Plan, and Ramp Signaling. He headed the development of various software tools to improve operational efficiency in terms of handling more events and reducing operator errors with the same staffing. Annually, various documents are updated and maintained, such as, Standard Operating Guidelines, Training Programs, Reports and Hurricane Response Plan. Additionally developed various technical memorandums to analyze 95 Express Lanes operations and developed recommendations to enhance the dynamic pricing algorithm.