FDOT District 4 Traffic Incident Management Team Support, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, FL. Project manager responsible for the Traffic Incident Management Team Support contract for the Broward and Palm Beach County TIM Teams. Facilitated the TIM Team meetings and applied the Statewide TIM model in using the four groups (i.e., Detection and Response; Clearance; Training; and Communications) to focus on specific work products that the TIM Team stakeholders identified. Utilized the FHWA TIM Self-Assessment to track annual progress of the TIM Program. In addition, managing the auditing of Road Rangers; developing and launching the Severe Incident Response Vehicle program; and the development of Incident Management Plans.
Advanced Incident Information System, FDOT District 4, Broward County, FL. Project manager for the feasibility study of a Highway Advisory Radio system to be used to warn motorists of impending incidents along the Interstate Highway. Project scope included:
- A best practice survey,
- Prototype development / implementation, and
- Preliminary design and detour route analysis and mapping.